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master tonicWinter is close at hand so we wanted to bring you this amazing immune-boosting recipe, known as Master Tonic or Fire Cider, which in various forms has been around for a very long time! This is Rosemary Gladstar’s original recipe. Most of the data to corroborate the claim that it boosts immunity is anecdotal but trust me when I say this stuff works! I swear by it! My daily shot of Master Tonic Immune Booster wards off even the most virulent strains of the flu and viruses. And on those rare occasions when I do catch a “bug”, due to not taking care of myself like I should, I just double up and it is gone within 48 hours! Check out the list of ingredients that pack a powerful punch when it comes to immune boosting. Please use all organic ingredients to avoid harmful pesticides. This wonderful tonic can also help boost your metabolism, help with digestion, and give you energy.

This is all you need to create the Master Tonic Immune System and Metabolism Booster!

HorseradishHorseradish Root: From the same family as mustard and cabbage and has antiscorbutic and expectorant properties. The root reportedly cures tonsillitis and is a natural treatment for rheumatic and respiratory disorders. Horseradish is also known to increase circulation to the head. The root is also laden with a potent amount of vitamin C and B complex, minerals, potassium, calcium, and iron as well as enzymes. It is a natural antibiotic that can kill bacteria in the throat that cause bronchitis. Horseradish heats the body and has a cardiotonic effect (strengthens the heart). The glucosinolates found in horseradish are thought to increase resistance in humans to cancer. These glucosinolate compounds are only found in plants that are in the mustard family such as horseradish, mustard, broccoli, and cauliflower. They have powerful antioxidant properties. It is interesting to note that a study in 2015 showed that glucosinolates increase the liver’s ability to detoxify and eliminate carcinogens. Horseradish contains an enzyme that aids in the breakdown of the glucosinolates which makes it easier for the human body to benefit from its therapeutic properties.

ginger rootGinger root: The ginger root is an underground stem. It may have blood-thinning properties and cholesterol-lowering properties. Compounds found in ginger known as gingerols have analgesic, sedative, anti-pyretic (lowers fever), and anti-bacterial properties. They also have anti-fungal properties that supposedly are effective against athlete’s foot. Ginger contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, choline, folic acid, inositol, manganese, pantothenic acid, silicon, and a small amount of vitamin B3. Ginger has good properties for menstruation problems, and increases circulation to the extremities, and many say that it is good for settling an upset stomach.

garlicGarlic: Garlic contains antiseptic properties and helps to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Garlic is also an appetite stimulant and is good for the hair! Garlic is known to be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic and anti-spasmodic. Garlic is also a known blood purifier. There are recipes for treating tuberculosis, whooping cough, rheumatism, ringworm, pneumonia, wounds and ulcers, parasites, asthma, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and acne. A cut garlic clove rolled on pimples several times a day will make the blemish disappear without a scar. Rubbing garlic over ringworm will burn out the infection. The skin falls off leaving healed skin behind. When cooking with garlic, chopping or crushing the garlic clove and letting it rest for a few minutes before adding it to the dish you are cooking gives the anti-cancer properties a chance to form so that they are transmitted into the food even after it is cooked.

onionsOnions: Onions contain phytochemicals called flavanoids. One flavanoid called quercitin may inhibit tumor growth and keep colon cancer at bay. A newly discovered compound in onions may inhibit bone loss in menopausal women. Onions contain vitamin C and chromium, B6, biotin, folic acid, vitamins B1 and K, and healthy sulfur compounds as well as enzymes. They also have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-histaminic properties. Garlic is a good source of prebiotic fiber.

hot-peppersPeppers: Red peppers contain lycopene which protects against cancer and heart disease. Peppers contain large amounts of phytochemicals that have antioxidant capabilities such as chlorogenic acid, zeaxanthin, and coumeric acid. Hot peppers stimulate blood flow in the body, but cayenne pepper is also good for helping to stop bleeding. When applied to a cut it will stop the blood flow.

ACV 1Raw apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apples usually in a wooden barrel. It contains calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, malic acid, acetic acid, and pectin. Pectin is good for the colon, regulates blood pressure, and helps remove LDL cholesterol. Malic acid is good for fighting infections, as it is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.


Immune Boosting Master Tonic Recipe
5 fresh chopped garlic cloves
1 medium fresh chopped onion
4 tablespoons fresh grated ginger root
4 tablespoons fresh grated horseradish root
A few, to taste, fresh chopped hot peppers; Cayenne peppers, Jalapenos, Serranos, Habeneros, African bird peppers. Any combination of the hottest peppers available. If using mildly hot peppers, increase the amount.
Organic raw Apple Cider Vinegar, with the “mother”. (That’s the stuff floating around in the vinegar or mostly sunk to the bottom.)

1. Place ingredients in a quart jar then add raw organic apple cider vinegar. Let that sucker marinate for 1 month in a dark closet, pantry, cabinet, etc. with daily shaking.
2. Strain liquids from solids through a muslin cloth or strainer into another glass container. I run the solids through my juicer after straining it, to get every last drop out.
Note: The solid ingredients retain almost the same potency as the liquid ingredients and can be puréed to use with other ingredients like honey and lemon to make a salad dressing or to marinate vegetables.
3. Suggested Dosage: 1 tablespoon once or twice a day, gargle and swallow.

Note: The recipe makes one quart of tonic.


Don’t worry about bacteria growing in it cause nothing could live in it! No refrigeration is needed, even after straining. It will keep for a very long time.

Better and safer than antibiotics, which only cause harm by killing beneficial bacteria in the gut which contains 70-80% of your immune system cells.

***If you are thinking it will “cause” indigestion or other digestive issues, think again! This wonderful tonic is historically known for improving the digestive system and helping to relieve indigestion!

Granny’s Master Tonic is available to purchase at this link. 

You can also make your own Master Tonic with Mountain Granny’s Master Tonic Dry Mix, organic raw apple cider vinegar, and a quart jar.


I hope you have a blessed and healthy winter!


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