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Black Walnut Tincture

Black walnut tincture helps to oxygenate the blood which makes it a good antiseptic, germicide, and antiparasitic. Black walnut tincture contains high concentrations of chemicals called tannins, which can reduce pain and swelling and dry up excess mucous. Black walnut hull tincture helps with a variety of health conditions from ridding the body of intestinal parasites and tapeworms to reducing constipation and healing skin conditions like acne, canker sores, a variety of skin complaints including ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, psoriasis, blisters, eczema, scabbing caused by intense itching, varicose ulcers, and even syphilis sores. Black walnut is also a great source of iodine, making it a good thyroid nourisher.

Interesting fact- Did you know that after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, when they ran out of iodide tablets, they gave people black walnut tincture which worked wonderfully to nourish and protect their thyroids?! Why? Because black Walnut Tincture is a natural source of iodine.

Make your own black walnut tincture.

  1. Collect fresh walnuts that still have a green hull. The hull cannot have soft dark spots, so it’s best to collect them as soon as they fall from the tree.
  2. Remove the green outer hull, wearing gloves is recommended as they will stain whatever they come in contact with, including your hands!
  3. Brush off any dirt and lightly wash. Do not soak in water.
  4. Fill jar 2/3 full with hulls then add 100 proof vodka to about an inch under jar rim. Put lid on tightly. Let soak for a couple hours then check if more vodka needs to be added as the hulls will absorb it.
  5. Put some plastic wrap over jar rim and replace lid tightly. The plastic wrap will keep the alcohol from corroding the lid.
  6. Place jar in a cool dark place and shake once a day.
  7. After 30 days, strain the liquid out, put in dark glass dropper bottles for ease of taking or store in a cool dark place until ready to use. Storing in refrigerator will keep it fresh longer. Best if used within one year as potency will degrade over time.

Suggested usesHumans: Take 1 dropperful once a day for 5 days. Then 2 teaspoons once a week until all parasites are gone. Once parasites are gone, take 2 teaspoons once a month to prevent parasites. For best results also add one drop of Virus Be Gone essential oil blend to black walnut tincture dose. Animals: Give 1 drop per 10 pounds of weight directly in mouth or in drinking water, daily until all parasite are gone. Then give same amount 5 days in a row once a month to prevent reinfestation. NOTE: Do not give the essential oil blend to animals.

You can purchase a high quality Black Walnut Tincture here.

I will see you on the road to vibrate health.

Granny, CH, HHC

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